Brian Noonan, PMHNP-BC

  • 15 years of Experience
  • United States
  • Seattle, Washington
  • Visit Website

Specialties: Addiction, ADHD, Anxiety


Addiction, ADHD, Anxiety



Age Group Focus

Adults, Seniors

Treatment Approaches

Coaching, Mindfulness-based (MBCT), Psychological Testing and Evaluation


Alcohol Abuse, Behavior Issues, Chronic Pain, Depression, Grief, Medication Management, Pain Management, Self Esteem, Sleep or Insomnia, Stress

State Licenses

Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Washington, Washington D.C. and Wisconsin

About Brian Noonan

Brian Noonan is a board-certified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner with Prescriptive Authority. He has over 14 years of experience providing mental health services, specializing in the treatment of Adult ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and Alcohol Use Disorders. He provides medication management and mindfulness meditation. He is the founder of He has been providing addiction services for over 15 years, including specializing in the Sinclair Method for the past five years. He graduated from Vanderbilt University Magna Cum Laude, completing an internship at the Vanderbilt Institute for the Treatment of Addictions (VITA). He specializes in mindfulness meditation and lived in a Zen monastery for six months in 2011. "Although I prescribe psychiatric medications such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and ADHD medications, it does not mean that I believe medications will help everyone or solve all of your problems. After your initial evaluation, I will give you reliable information about whether a medication is likely to help, its potential risks, and the alternative treatments. I may strongly recommend a medication, suggest it as a possible option, or conclude that medication is not likely to help you at all. We will discuss your lifestyle, such as diet, exercise, alcohol/substance use, and stress-management strategies"

Contact Brian Noonan