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Areas of focus: Addiction, Aging, Anger Management, Anxiety, Asperger's, Attachment Disorders, ADHD, Behavior Issues, Bipolar Disorder, Career Counseling, Child Abuse and Neglect, Marital / Premarital, Depression, Dissociative Disorders, Domestic Violence, Dual Diagnosis, Eating Disorders, Education/Personal Development, Family Conflict, Forensic, Gender Identity, Grief, Men's Issues, Neuropsychological Testing, Pain Management, Physical Illness/Impairment, Psychoses/Major Mental Illness, Spirituality
Languages: English, Hawaiian
Treatment Approaches: Acupuncture, Advocacy, Behavioral, Behavioral Medicine, Body Work (Massage & Touch Therapy), Case Management, Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Crisis Intervention, Dialectical (DBT), Education Consultation, Evaluation/Diagnostic, Holistic, Humanistic, Information and Referral, Intervention, Long-Term, Meditation/Relaxation, Neuropsychological Testing or Consultation, Prevention, Psycho-Educational, Psychopharmacology, Relational, Satir, Social Support